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11-4-10 Beautification Commission Minutes
Beautification Commission
Thursday, November 4, 2010   

PRESENT:       Helen Boardman; Pat Byrnes; Marylee Hickey; Dolores Kehoe; Mary Mourey; Betty Russell; Tony Russo; Pat Sirois.

Also Present:           Roger Moss, Director/Park and Recreation
                                        Bonnie Nichols, Director/Inspections and Planning
                                        Bill Taylor, Director/Public Works

Absent:          Sue Kickery (excused).

Chair Sirois called the meeting of the Beautification Commission to order at 7:15 p.m.

 Pat Byrnes made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 7, 2010 meeting. Seconded by Marylee Hickey.  Approved. (one abstention – Dolores Kehoe)


FINANCIAL REPORT:                                       
Mary Mourey reported that the General Fund has $7817.39.  The only payment was to the clerk for $75.00. Remembrance Fund balance is $520.96.

Mary Mourey made a motion to approve payments for Holiday Fest up to $1000.  Seconded by Dolores Kehoe.  Approved.

COMMUNICATIONS:                         None.                                   
CHAIR'S REPORT:                                         
Chair Sirois distributed a draft of a memo for the 2011 meeting dates for the Beautification Commission.

Helen Boardman made a motion to approve the dates as distributed.  Seconded by Pat Byrnes.  Approved.  The clerk will submit the memo to Sharon Miller, Town Clerk.

TREE WARDEN'S REPORT:                           No report at this time.         
OLD BUSINESS:                                           None.                           

NEW BUSINESS                                                                    
Chair Sirois brought the poster and a button for Holiday Fest for the Commission’s review.  Chair Sirois purchased 100 posters and she will make 400 buttons.   The brochure will be printed in red this year.  Chair Sirois and Roger Moss have completed the brochure and the Park and Recreation Department will begin copying it.  Chair Sirois reminded the Commissioners of the following dates:
                        November 16 – Chair Sirois will attend the Town Council meeting
                        November 18 – Counting of brochures at EHCCC
                        November 21 – Decorating of kiosk at Alumni Park

Chair Sirois also contacted Irene Cone of Channel 5. She will be doing the informational show either November 15, 2010 or November 22, 2010.

Marylee Hickey distributed the spreadsheet of events for Commissioners to sign up for attendance.  Marylee will email to the Commissioners a list of the events they signed up for.
OLD BUSINESS:                                           None.                                                                                                            

-       Sidewalks on Roxbury Road
Bonnie Nichols and Bill Taylor discussed the issue with town sidewalks.  There is no longer an inspector for sidewalks.   Those sidewalks being placed in various areas in East Hartford are done through a Community Development Block Grant.  Bonnie Nichols and Bill Taylor stated that repair of sidewalks are the responsibility of the homeowner.

Bonnie Nichols discussed the issue on Brewer Street.  At this time the home owner has spoken to with the inspection department and he has a return date to court.

        Theresa Godreau (clerk)                                         $ 75.00
        Custom Printing (Posters, buttons)                              $306.10

Pat Byrnes made a motion to pay the clerk and to approve the bills as submitted.  Seconded by Marylee Hickey.  Approved.
There being no further business, Mary Mourey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at  8:15 p.m. Seconded by Betty Russell. Approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa Godreau, Clerk